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What causes Periodontal or Gum Disease?

Over the years food deposits get accumulated between the gums and teeth. These cannot be easily cleaned by regular brushing at home. Our mouth is also full of bacteria and this food debris promotes bacterial growth producing toxins and colorless plaque on the teeth. They create a foul smell and cause the bleeding gums to loosen around the teeth and evenly move away.

Gum treatment & Care is very important if you want your teeth to last long. If the plaque is not treated early it hardens and forms tartar that brushing cannot clean. Only dentist can remove tartar. In sever conditions the bone level is also affected and this loosens the tooth. Hence it is normally recommended that a person should get his teeth professionally cleaned at least once a year. The time range may vary for individuals from once in 4 months to once a year.

    The longer plaque or tartar remains on your teeth, the more harmful they become. They can cause irritation (inflammation) of the gums that is called gingivitis.
    The gums become reddish, swollen and bleed easily. Gingivitis is a common and mild form of gum disease that can usually be reversed with daily brushing and flossing, and regular cleaning by a dentist.
    Irritation or Inflammation around the tooth is called Periodontitis. When a gum disease like gingivitis is not treated, it advances to periodontitis.
    In this, plaque spreads below the gum lines and forces the gums to pull away from the teeth that are infected. Bacterial toxins break down the bone and connective tissue that support the teeth.
    If periodontitis is not treated, it may destroy the bones, gums, and tissues that hold the teeth in one place.
Periodontists or dentist at Densart Dental Care offer comprehensive gum treatment in pune. They thoroughly clean the pockets around the teeth preventing further damage to surrounding bones.

Risk Factors Causing Gum Diseases
1.Chewing Tobacco/ Smoking
2.Consumption of certain medications (contraceptives and steroids)
3.Hormonal Changes
4.Crooked Teeth
5.Poor Fitting of Dental Appliances
6.Broken Fillings
9.Illnesses and its Treatment (HIV/AIDS)